Material assessment in Cuijk
The validation project of the BDC goes into the next round. On 22 February 2022, an extensive material inspection took place at our partner Legro in Cuijk, the Netherlands. During this appointment, our peat-free casing TEFA was thoroughly examined by the participating companies Weiße Köpfe, Dohme Pilze, Wiesenhof Pilzland and RPZ. In addition, there was once again detailed coordination on the process sequence, recipes, mixing ratios, costs and yield potential. Everyone involved is confident about the project and is looking forward to the first results from the industrial practical test.
Deliveries for validation started at the beginning of March, almost directly after the material appraisal. At Legro, our peat-free substrate made of corn straw is mixed with standard casing and delivered directly to the companies. This year, about 5,000 cubic metres of TEFA casing will be intensively tested and inspected.