Trend-setting topsoil from corn straw for sustainable mushroom cultivation

News from CORMO

Great interest in TEFA validation

Great interest in TEFA validation

Parallel to the large-scale validation project with the Association of German Mushroom Growers, two other partners from Switzerland and Austria are now also testing our peat-free...

Material assessment in Cuijk

Material assessment in Cuijk

The validation project of the BDC goes into the next round. On 22 February 2022, an extensive material inspection took place at our partner Legro in Cuijk, the Netherlands....

TEFA casing

The European mushroom and vegetable production requires around 3.5 Mio m³ black peat per year, which results in approximately 1 million t of CO2-emissions. Cormo developed TEFA, the first sustainable substitute for black peat, which enables reduction of the black peat associated CO2-emissions by 90%.

Today, mushroom production relies on the use of black peat based mushroom casing.

99% of all head lettuce consumed in Europe was propagated in greenhouses, on black peat.

Wetlands store twice as much CO2 than all global forests together but are destroyed by peat extraction.


Corn stems are an unused, sustainable residue from grain maize production.

TEFA mushroom casing in comparison


The technological production process ensures a consistently high quality of our product – the quality of raw peat is subject to significant natural variability.


During 3 years of repeated full-cycle validation with renowned industry institutions, TEFA generated a mushroom yield up to 10% higher than standard black peat based casing, while maintaining excellent product quality.


The raw material used for production of TEFA mushroom casing, maize stems, is renewable and sustainable, whereas black peat is a fossil, non-sustainable resource.


TEFA mushroom casing can be produced in the regional consumer markets, whereas black peat is mostly extracted in Baltic countries and needs to be transported to the global consumers.

Our Partners

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